06 September 2006

today's result

i went digging in the woodlands shortly after JP midnight time. fatigue did not set in until I was on the 10th and final stack of greens (thank god). Got a fairly good haul with a spider web and 2 ebony logs, but no adaman.

finally got in a xp pt on my THF after waiting 30 hours from the last invite and dinged 64 today.

1 comment:

Letrange said...

Hi there Ayrlie,

Once you're finished raising your chocobo, you may want to consider continuing to garden but aim for gysahl. When I first did a no crystal crop, I costed the resulting gysahl and it came out substantialy lower than the cost of buying it at the stable vendors. This was discounting the rest of the harvest. Not to mention you can sell the rest of the crop and effectively zero the cost of the gysahl you get this way (i.e. use the rest of the harvest to finance the seed).

Even when aiming for other crops you can get a lot of gyshal which is financed by the other crops: I got 161 gyshal and 75 zegham out of my latest harvest. 40 pots at 320gil a pot for seeds and free crystals (I tend to always farm my crystals): 12,800gil in cost. at 3k a zegham if I sell 5 zegham, I've covered the cost of the entire crop. 13 free stacsk of gysahl.